
Newbie stumped creating install disk

  • mistywindow
    I'm using my MacBook Air running Lion to try to create a Kakewalk installation USB disk from a Lion USB disk which I've just purchased.

    I open Kakewalk, in the dialogue box I successfully navigate to the Lion USB stick, select my motherboard, select the install USB drive. Then I get:

    Couldn't find any valid Lion Restore Image"

    What to do?
    mistywindow December 2011
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • mistywindow
    Didn't solve this problem but got around it by downloading Lion from the App Store and using that instead of the Lion USB stick.

    I didn't do this in the first place because when I purchased Lion originally it just upgraded my Snow Leopard installation and then seemed to have removed itself from my Downloads directory. I found that you can download it again by following these instructions from Macrumors:

    "Launch the App Store
    While holding down the OPTION key, click on the “Purchases” section
    You should see “OS X Lion” and “Install” should now be gray and you can click that to re-download Lion (you may have to re-authenticate within the App Store with your Apple ID)."

    It took several tries but I got there in the end.

    mistywindow December 2011
  • I am getting the same error. I do not think new mac air can download Lion from app store. I have tried and from what I have read it has to do with the fact it comes with Lion and not downloaded/installed with our apple account. Any other ideas?
    hurrycaine January 2
  • I am also having trouble creating the 4.1.1 install disk, using my MB-Pro with Lion already on it.
    The source is the Appstore downloaded "Mac OS X Lion Installation", a supported MB and my 8GB large target USB entered in the tool.

    When trying to create the install disk, the following error appears:
    "Could not format the USB stick. Make suer no other volumes with the name Kakewalk are mounted.
    Error: Could not find disk for d "

    When looking at the Console messages, after opening the Kakewalk tool, I also see the following error message:
    osascript: Initializer-based scripting additions are no longer supported. "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" not loaded.

    Has anyone successfully created the USB disk on Lion already at all? May be it works only on SL fine.

    thanks -ame
    amethe January 11

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